Labels are everywhere: How can we use them to our advantage?
By Fee Teng Liew
Labels…we use them everyday whether we are aware of it or not. Whether that’s labelling people, things, or situations, labels are how we convey information about something to others. We often use labels to define our identity and to answer questions like ‘So what do you do?’. When being asked these questions, we often feel a need to answer with just one succinct label, or as few as possible, each of which have further connotations or stereotypes attached to them.
That’s not to say labels are all bad, because labels can be great. For example, if you label yourself as hard working, kind hearted, intelligent and ambitious, it can encourage you to continue learning and growing despite any challenges/barriers and it enables you to feel more confident in your abilities. You’re more likely to believe in yourself and like who you are - which is key to happiness. This is known as positive labelling.
However, labels can also be limiting for our wellbeing and development if we’re not careful. We can often put ourselves or others into a box, therefore limiting what we think we are capable of and our ability to grow. If we believe we are not good enough to achieve something, we will ultimately find ways to prove that. Labels do not take into account how complex and multifaceted our lives are. Becoming ‘trapped’ into a certain identity in this way can be seen as negative labelling and is a big contributor to unhappiness and depression.
So, how can we overcome negative labelling?
To conclude, labelling isn’t always a bad thing and it’s not something that we can immediately stop doing either. Rather, it is something that we should learn to be aware of and make sure we are using to our advantage. The perceptions we have about ourselves dictate almost everything we think and do, so it’s really important to remain aware of this, to then be able to take the steps to create positive change in our lives.