Posts in Practical Advice
Labels are everywhere: How can we use them to our advantage?

Labels…we use them everyday whether we are aware of it or not. Whether that’s labelling people, things, or situations, labels are how we convey information about something to others. They can be either beneficial or detrimental, so here are 5 ways that we can use labels to our advantage.

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Overcoming Sports Injuries: A Mental Health Perspective

When injured, athletes often experience emotions such as anxiety, frustration, isolation, lack of motivation and identity loss. In my personal experience of long-term injury as a track athlete, I feel there is a lack of guidance and awareness around the psychological hardships of injury. So I’d like to shed some light on this tough period of time, and provide some top tips and alternative points of focus to help make the recovery process more manageable.

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Hobbies: Why and how you should start one

“What’s your hobby?”, “Do you play any sports?”, “What do you get up to in your free time?” These are icebreaker questions that we often get asked when meeting new people and I’m sure I’m not the only one who struggles to find an answer. Find out why hobbies are important not only for giving us an answer to questions about what we got up to at the weekend, but have so many other benefits too!

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Become a part of the change: Help fight mental health stigma

In light of Mental Health Awareness Week, we want to highlight the mental health stigma that still exists and how you can play a part in the change to break it. We cover what it is, how it affects those suffering with mental health, what someone experiencing discrimination can do, and ways anyone can help reduce the stigma.

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What are the benefits of journaling?

Journaling is essentially a written record of your thoughts, feelings, and ideas and can come in numerous forms including bullet journaling, artistic journaling, and gratitude journaling. Not only is journaling a versatile and accessible activity that can be tailored to each individual, but research has also found that frequent journaling can have a wide range of benefits. Read on to find out more!

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8 Types of Journaling You Should Try

With the ever-evolving ways that you can journal, there is no single definition of what journaling is or one way that journaling should be done. For some, this might take a more creative form such as visual journals, whilst for others it might consist of simply putting pen to paper. Ultimately, there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to journaling. So, in part 1 of our journaling blogs are 8 types of journaling that you could try!

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The Dos and Don’ts of Supporting Someone Who is Grieving

Experiencing the loss of a loved one is often a daunting and confusing time involving feelings of helplessness and despair among others. Grief is not only an emotional roller-coaster for the person who has lost someone, but it is also greatly challenging for those around them. So, what might be helpful or unhelpful when considering ways we can support someone experiencing grief?

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5 Tips for Effective Student Self-Care

As exam and deadlines season is just around the corner, student self-care becomes vital. The flexibility of being a student comes with a need to manage your own time and discipline yourself to complete all your academic work whilst also having the time to socialise. Some may not know how to discipline themselves or keep themselves accountable, whilst others may find it easy to overwork themselves as they’re not clocking in and out of an office at certain times each day for example. So, today’s article discusses 5 student self-care tips to ensure you’re taking care of yourself, and therefore making the most of your academic experience!

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5 ways arts, crafts and creativity can benefit your mental health

Whilst the pandemic appears to be (touchwood) receding into the background, many of us may be beginning to take tentative steps back into the world of social interaction, whilst nurturing one’s mental health has become paramount during this time. Falling under a broad banner for anything ranging from music to sewing to knitting, learn how Nick has turned to arts and crafts activities to help him express his emotions, deal with stress, gain greater confidence, and develop his social connections!

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Signs that you’re stressed (that you might not be aware of)

If you’re not always busy, then you must not be working hard enough. Does this thought sound familiar? If so, you’re certainly not alone. There seems to be a proliferation of the “always on” culture that has now become ‘the norm’ in our society. We may become accustomed to these hectic lifestyles, often forgetting to take a breather, and overlooking the signs of stress that our mind and body may be trying to communicate. So, what are some signs of stress that you may not be aware of?

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5 Mental Health Benefits of Reading

Perhaps it is telling that in a world where the endless possibilities of technology are at our fingertips, some people may seek to kick-back and relax old-school style. Reading has many physical and mental health benefits that otherwise have been closed off to those whose work and free-time gravitates them towards screens. So whether or not you’ve made the jump back from the screen to the page, I hope to discuss the benefits that reading can have on your mental health!

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What You Need To Know About Student Accommodation

University student accommodation is the start to your journey of independence, and although this can be an empowering experience, it can be quite daunting living on your own, with a bunch of strangers for the first time. So, from loneliness to budgeting, what did the #Me community wish they had done differently, and what did they wish they had been told before moving?

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Do Diet and Fitness Trackers Actually Promote a Healthy Lifestyle?

Backed by psychological research, diet and fitness trackers have been engineered to promote physical activity and healthier lifestyles. Whilst they may well have succeeded in this, is it actually in a healthy or sustainable way? Have these apps failed to consider the mental health of users, and the potential risks it may bring, particularly for those at risk of eating disorders or exercise addiction?

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What Kind of Procrastinator Am I?

Ever wondered what kind of procrastinator you are? Procrastination is something which we can all struggle with at different points in our lives. However, we may not know much about how or why we do it. Understanding the different types of procrastinators, their main issues and possible solutions can really help us to overcome our procrastination struggles and be more productive and effective with our tasks and times.

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Setting Boundaries in Your Newfound Freedom at University

The idea of newfound freedom at university can often place some pressure on students because of the personal, social, academic, and professional expectations that others and themselves place on their lives. Setting boundaries is therefore a healthy and effective method to make the most of the university experience without overwhelming oneself. What are some benefits and top tips to help you set boundaries in order to have a balanced university life?

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Not All Positivity Is Healthy

Masking feelings of sadness, doubt and unfulfillment does not necessarily solve them. Instead, it often lets these anxieties grow just like how a small ball of snow running down the sides of a mountain can become an impetuous avalanche. So what differentiates toxic positivity from positive thinking, what are some benefits of a positive mindset, and what are some tips to work on toxic positivity?

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Let's Talk About Making Friends at University

It can be hard to remember ever being taught how to make friends, and though seemingly simple, making friends at University can sometimes be challenging. It has been said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with, so it is important to be intentional with who we surround ourselves with. Here are some tips for making friends at University.

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Building Resilience

Although resilience is often associated with a positive outlook and optimism, it is more than just a personality trait, and fortunately, can be learned or developed. Moreover, resilience isn’t just a fast-track way out of stress, it is a collection of healthy coping strategies which we have developed over time to help deal with and recover from life’s difficulties. So, what are five ways that we can foster our own resilience?

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