Posts tagged Student Mental Health
Become a part of the change: Help fight mental health stigma

In light of Mental Health Awareness Week, we want to highlight the mental health stigma that still exists and how you can play a part in the change to break it. We cover what it is, how it affects those suffering with mental health, what someone experiencing discrimination can do, and ways anyone can help reduce the stigma.

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5 Tips for Effective Student Self-Care

As exam and deadlines season is just around the corner, student self-care becomes vital. The flexibility of being a student comes with a need to manage your own time and discipline yourself to complete all your academic work whilst also having the time to socialise. Some may not know how to discipline themselves or keep themselves accountable, whilst others may find it easy to overwork themselves as they’re not clocking in and out of an office at certain times each day for example. So, today’s article discusses 5 student self-care tips to ensure you’re taking care of yourself, and therefore making the most of your academic experience!

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Signs that you’re stressed (that you might not be aware of)

If you’re not always busy, then you must not be working hard enough. Does this thought sound familiar? If so, you’re certainly not alone. There seems to be a proliferation of the “always on” culture that has now become ‘the norm’ in our society. We may become accustomed to these hectic lifestyles, often forgetting to take a breather, and overlooking the signs of stress that our mind and body may be trying to communicate. So, what are some signs of stress that you may not be aware of?

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Setting Boundaries in Your Newfound Freedom at University

The idea of newfound freedom at university can often place some pressure on students because of the personal, social, academic, and professional expectations that others and themselves place on their lives. Setting boundaries is therefore a healthy and effective method to make the most of the university experience without overwhelming oneself. What are some benefits and top tips to help you set boundaries in order to have a balanced university life?

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