Understanding Courage

By Olaide Taiwo

When we think of a courageous person, it is easy to imagine someone who is not afraid of anything. To many, courage is the absence of fear, being able to do just about anything without fretting. However, this idea can feel crippling. Does our fear of something or an outcome make us less courageous?

Courage Through Adversity

There are many challenging situations in which courage is shown through difficulty, challenge or fear. What about the student who is terrified of the technicalities involved in a particular module, but still decides to put in their best efforts in studying? Or consider that person whose future is ordinarily uncertain simply by virtue of a less-privileged background, but chooses to commit to excellence and consistent hard-work? This is in spite of the cloud of uncertainty hovering over them. It is also worth considering those betrayed by ‘love’ and taken advantage of because of their kind heart, but have chosen to trust and love again, regardless.

We can include in this list, those who were continually written off in their attempts to dream with ambitions. Scarred by those words, they still buckle up and push-on anyway, despite the lines of doubts creeping out of the lack of encouragement they so well deserve. Or what about those who have lost a family member, friend or loved one, but are choosing to live each day diligently as it comes, even though their lives have never been the same?

We must also remember those fighting quietly but strongly, even in their overwhelmed state of mind. The parents working relentlessly to give the best they can afford to their children, against all odds. These examples aren’t exhaustive, but they make a crystal clear point - that the average person has an insecurity, a fear, doubt, scar and even flaw.

Re-defining Courage

This point is the reason we must re-define courage. Every time someone pushes past their imperfections and questions to attempt something, bravery is shown. For every moment a task is completed, an interview, exam or anything that had to be done despite every reason to back out, the evident resilience is commendable. At every point when something is done through a fast-beating heart and an unrelenting hand tremor, the spirit revealed is admirable. In any period when someone stands firm for what is right in the face of intense pressure to do otherwise, great tenacity is displayed. 

Feel the Fear But Do It Anyway

If there was no fear or anxiety, there would be no need to muster courage. Courage doesn’t mean you are never afraid. In fact, it means choosing to face your fear head on, steadily walking your way through it, in your own pace and timeline. One quote encapsulates courage well as it says “feel the fear but do it anyway”. This shows that courage is taking a step, even though you are uncertain of the next one. Therefore, as life brings its various challenges, insecurities and fears, remember that you are a courageous one in which we celebrate.