
By Bojan Cecaric

"Let's say you had $86400, and someone stole $10 dollars out of your account, sure you would be angry but it would not really inhibit you from proceeding with your life. So why have the same reaction when someone takes a few seconds of your life away from you, it won't inhibit you from carrying on with the day, right?"

However, imagine if there was something eating at your time consistently, and always taking money out the bank, yet in your current state you couldn't really do anything about. This is the feeling I had for a while with being anxious and scared of the foreseeable future, not being able to sleep and not being able to focus on anything else, looking like a zombie and feeling like one too.

No amount of yoga, training or any other form of de-stressing could help me feel like the weight was lifted from me, even now with most of the "issues" I had coming to an end, they still weigh heavy on my conscious and thoughts as if I haven't really left it behind.

Time is meant to heal, yet when it comes down to it, don't you ever find yourself worrying about where your time went? Calling it regret puts such a negative connotation on what you perceive your past as I attempt to fool myself by calling it an evaluation of my prior actions, but when you think about is your flaws and not your achievements, then calling them regrets and failures is the only way to label them. Just like keeping hold of old books and items from when you were younger, you try and find reasons to why you keep hold of such things that add zero value to your life, with them creating more of a detrimental environment than anything else, having less space for new things in your life, the same goes for your thoughts.

"Let's say you had $86400, and someone stole $10 dollars out of your account, sure you would be angry but it would not really inhibit you from proceeding with your life. So why have the same reaction when someone takes a few seconds of your life away from you, it won't inhibit you from carrying on with the day."

Sometimes letting go of the past is a hard task, and letting go of the memories that cloud the mind daily can be a struggle, but you have to remember that you lived the past, but you're living in the present and living for the future. Don't let the past dictate the way you live your life in the present, live your present life by learning from the past, not living by it, in order to create a better future for you and everyone else. In order to help others, you must be willing to help your self first.