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What Kind of Procrastinator Am I?

Ever wondered what kind of procrastinator you are? Procrastination is something which we can all struggle with at different points in our lives. However, we may not know much about how or why we do it. Understanding the different types of procrastinators, their main issues and possible solutions can really help us to overcome our procrastination struggles and be more productive and effective with our tasks and times.

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Setting Boundaries in Your Newfound Freedom at University

The idea of newfound freedom at university can often place some pressure on students because of the personal, social, academic, and professional expectations that others and themselves place on their lives. Setting boundaries is therefore a healthy and effective method to make the most of the university experience without overwhelming oneself. What are some benefits and top tips to help you set boundaries in order to have a balanced university life?

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Not All Positivity Is Healthy

Masking feelings of sadness, doubt and unfulfillment does not necessarily solve them. Instead, it often lets these anxieties grow just like how a small ball of snow running down the sides of a mountain can become an impetuous avalanche. So what differentiates toxic positivity from positive thinking, what are some benefits of a positive mindset, and what are some tips to work on toxic positivity?

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Let's Talk About Making Friends at University

It can be hard to remember ever being taught how to make friends, and though seemingly simple, making friends at University can sometimes be challenging. It has been said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with, so it is important to be intentional with who we surround ourselves with. Here are some tips for making friends at University.

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Building Resilience

Although resilience is often associated with a positive outlook and optimism, it is more than just a personality trait, and fortunately, can be learned or developed. Moreover, resilience isn’t just a fast-track way out of stress, it is a collection of healthy coping strategies which we have developed over time to help deal with and recover from life’s difficulties. So, what are five ways that we can foster our own resilience?

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Emotional Intelligence

Being emotionally intelligent allows us to communicate effectively, be empathetic with others, and remain mindful of how people’s actions may affect others. It is key to building strong relationships, achieving goals, and staying in tune with our feelings and intentions. So what are the five components of emotional intelligence, and how can we improve each of them?

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Practical Tips for Student-Athletes

Fee, who represented England in badminton for 8 years, shares her experience and advice on pursuing further education alongside professional sport commitments. Fee’s concepts can be applied to other domains too, so even if you’re not a student-athlete, we recommend giving it a read to gain some insight about maintaining a healthy work and life balance.

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Building Positive Routines

Ever had that new habit that you want to pick up? To meditate, read every day, run more often or eat a more balanced diet? Perhaps it was a new year's resolution that prompted a change you wanted to adopt, but it didn’t stick. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. More than 80% of new year resolutions fail to hit their mark. But how can you be in the 20%?

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